
The following examples demonstrate various types of recursion in clojure. They all implement a function to sum the elements in a list and pass the following tests. All the examples and tests are also available in a single file.

; Tests
(defn test-sum-basic [sum-func]
  (assert (and
            (= 6 (sum-func [1 2 3]))
            (= 1 (sum-func [1]))
            (= 0 (sum-func [])))))
; Example test execution
(test-sum-basic sum-with-reduce)

An equivalent example of the tests and two functions in python is as follows.

def test_sum_basic(sum_func):
    assert (
            sum_func([1, 2, 3]) == 6 and
            sum_func([1])       == 1 and
            sum_func([])        == 0

def sum_with_loop(numbers_to_sum):
    total = 0
    for number in numbers_to_sum:
        total += number
    return total


Using reduce

sum-with-reduce below demonstrates how to use the 3 parameter form of reduce. It works by adding 0 and the first item in numbers-to-sum, adding the next item and the result, adding the next item and this result, and so on until the end of the list.

(defn sum-with-reduce [numbers-to-sum]
  (reduce + 0 numbers-to-sum))

You can check the behavior by defining a custom addition function +p that prints its arguments and outputs as follows.

(defn +p [a b]
  (let [result (+ a b)]
    (println a b result)

(reduce +p 0 [1 2 3])

; printed output:
; 0 1 1
; 1 2 3
; 3 3 6

Note that +p only needs to be defined for an arity of two. If we want to use the two parameter form of reduce (reduce +p list instead of reduce +p 0 list) then the function +p needs to also be defined for arity 0 to handle the case of an empty list.

Using recursion

sum-with-recursion below demonstrates a basic recursion pattern, adding the first element of the list and the sum of the remaining elements. It explicitly checks the termination condition (whether the list is empty).

sum-with-recursion2 uses if-let to combine the termination condition check with extraction of the first item in a similar manner to the walrus operator (:=) in Python.

(defn sum-with-recursion [numbers-to-sum]
  (if-not (empty? numbers-to-sum)
    (+ (first numbers-to-sum) (sum-with-recursion (rest numbers-to-sum)))

(defn sum-with-recursion2 [numbers-to-sum]
  (if-let [first-item (first numbers-to-sum)]
    (+ first-item (sum-with-recursion (rest numbers-to-sum)))

Using recur

sum-with-recur below demonstrates how to use recur. The function is multi-arity. The one parameter case is designed to be public-facing and calls the two parameter case with an initial value for the running total. The two parameter case calls itself using recur. The issue here is that the two parameter case does not need to be public.

sum-with-recur2 solves this by replacing the two parameter case with a private function recursion-function inside the let block.

sum-with-recur3 goes further by replacing recursion-function with an anonymous function which is called immediately after. Note that this is not necessarily best for readability.

(defn sum-with-recur
   (sum-with-recur numbers-to-sum 0))

  ([numbers-to-sum running-total] ; <- recur calls this function
   (if (> (count numbers-to-sum) 0)
     (recur (rest numbers-to-sum) (+ running-total (first numbers-to-sum)))

(defn sum-with-recur2 [numbers-to-sum]
  (let [recursion-function  ; <- recur calls this function
        (fn [running-total numbers-to-sum]
          (if (> (count numbers-to-sum) 0)
            (recur (+ running-total (first numbers-to-sum)) (rest numbers-to-sum))

    (recursion-function 0 numbers-to-sum)))

(defn sum-with-recur3 [numbers-to-sum]
  ((fn [running-total numbers-to-sum]  ; <- recur calls this anonymous function
     (if (> (count numbers-to-sum) 0)
       (recur (+ running-total (first numbers-to-sum)) (rest numbers-to-sum))
   0 numbers-to-sum))

Using loop

sum-with-loop below demonstrates the use of the loop function. The structure is similar to the recur examples above but recur loops back to the loop statement.

(defn sum-with-loop [numbers-to-sum]
  (loop [numbers-to-sum numbers-to-sum  ; <- recur loops back to here with new values
         running-total 0]
    (if (> (count numbers-to-sum) 0)
      (recur (rest numbers-to-sum) (+ running-total (first numbers-to-sum)))